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eurotopia 2025

Hi English readers. Are there any news about the fabulous eurotopia Directory, you might ask? Well yes. Good news and bad news, I guess.

Good news: We have just updated our database and present an updated print version of our book in German. There’s actually a huge rush on it right now, I spend a lot of time in our tiny shipping room. There is the very concrete plan to make this data available to the world on our new site

The bad news is: At this point, it’s still a plan without a launch date. And we have not scheduled a new printed English edition. We did that for the past two edition and it was alway very hard to distribute the English book. In ten years, we have not managed to build a successful network of resellers in other European countries… And while we do believe in the value of a physical book, it seems like outside of Germany an online version would be more appreciated. And it’s definitely a shame printing books and then just watching them grow older (bad enough watching myself grow older…).

So, why are we not working full pressure on, then? Well, being human is one reason. I seem so be needed to help supervise the building of new dwellings in our Sieben Linden Ecovillage, my genius IT partner just became father for the second time and then there are so many questions:
How to ever generate enough revenue online so we can continue to finance the work on our database? Because that will make as special as the eurotopia Directory: We are a team of editors and approach communities proactively; that’s why we are the most complete directory in Europe.
Another question: How can we cooperate with the other directories, like the GEN-Europe map and directory that they keep of their members.

A lot of stuff to make a head smoke. If you sign in for the newsletter at, we will keep you posted on any news.


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