Hi English readers. Are there any news about the fabulous eurotopia Directory, you might ask? Well yes. Good news and bad news, I guess. Good news: We have just updated our database and present an updated print version of our book in German. There’s actually a huge rush on it […]
I am present at the gathering in Sweden for the eurotopia-team and it feels like this is something of a spiritual home for eurotopia. I admit that I spend most of my time on the cafe sofa working for our new edition, but this is the best place to do […]
We are finally starting to update our communities database – please stay tuned for exciting news coming up in the course of 2024. Any intentional community is most welcome to contact us to we can present them in our book. Meanwhile, since I have just gotten an email full of […]
Subtitles available in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German Info and stream on https://keinrichtigfalschesleben.de/english/
One reader sent in this simple idea to copy the content of the site https://eurotopia.directory/corrections-to-the-printed-eurotopia-directory/ into a word document, print it out, cut it and staple it together. Here is the document from March 2022 as a pdf: https://eurotopia.directory/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/EN_corrections-2022-03-10.pdf
The eurotopia Directory has been published one and a half years ago – time for some research for corrections. I have just contacted all communities presented in the book and while there’s lot of replies like It’s okay, main data are unchanged.Thank you for your work and our best wishes. […]
How are people in (other) communities doing in times of contact prohibitions and distance rules? As a resident of Sieben Linden Ecovillage, I asked myself this question and assumed that our readers are interested in it as well. So I wrote to all the communities that present themselves in the […]
Unfortunately, we accidentally included the German edition map of France in the English directory on page 97. *sigh*. Find a jpg-file of the correct map here: https://eurotopia.de/images/2019France.jpg or use this pdf to print on A4 format paper: https://eurotopia.de/NachdruckFrankreich-Karte.pdf
When you read this, the new directory has been published and can be ordered in our shop (see above). While I’m writing this, we are still working on the English edition. On this site, find your database access (see above), find links to websites and films that have been mentioned […]