The following data has changed in respect to the 2020 edition of the eurotopia Directory (see imprint on page 2, ISBN 978-3-9816860-5-0), this list has been updated until the beginning of 2024:
page | change |
65 | new email address: |
71B | new email address: street and number should read: Oppemstraat 8 |
72 | new street address: Eikenberg 27A |
74 | A correction of the street address and number: Drootbeek 30/19. The telephone number is not valid anymore. |
86 | new email address: |
112 | this community does not exist anymore |
115 | new email address: |
116B | The correct name of the community is La Flayssière. New phone-number: +33-(0)430 96 92 30 New email address: New website: |
128 | New website: |
136B | merged with 172 |
143B | The community's name is now Miteinander Neukirchen e.V. New street address: Hohlstraße 15 New email address: |
146 | new email address: |
149 | a new group has taken over the place, the description is not accurate anymore |
155 | new email address: |
168 | new name: "WoGe Haßmoor". No vacant units at this time |
172 | new street address: Buchenweg 4-16 (unchanged postal code and village name) new phone numbers: +49-7448/4100-200, +49-(0)151-212 143 71 |
180 | new email address: |
181 | Telephone number: +49-(0)38462-33480 |
182 | correct phone numbers: +49-(0)7192-8176, +49-(0)157-5470432 |
198 | new email address: |
204 | This community has ceased to exist. Please don't call. |
217B | Please use the following contact data: Phone +49-(0)176-96043234 (Anne) E-mail: |
219 | new address: Kirchenweg 13, 83209 Prien. New telephone number: +49-(0)80 51-16 35 |
220 | new telephone number: +49-(0)3635-41 33 100 |
236B | new telephone number: +49-(0)5694 9912782 |
239 | small addition: Volunteers welcome after prior agreement with free food and lodging |
251B | new email address: |
256 | This community doesn't exist anymore, but "the house is available for new community processes". |
257B | phone-number: +49-(0)5121-691174 |
263 | Since the lease was cancelled, the community ceased to exist at this place. Contact data is not valid anymore. |
265B | correct telephone number: +49-(0)2297-909 492 |
267 | The printed email adress ist not valid anymore for contacting the community! |
268 | new address: Prympark 4, 52351 Düren |
271 | new website: - new e-mail-address: |
275 | This community does not want to be contacted anymore. |
287 | new postal code: 35020 new telephone numbers: +39-(0)049 0997 609, +39-3472109799 |
287B | new website: |
298B | new email address: |
326 | new phone number: +351-924 244 806 |
335A | We can't reach this community and have heard from Russian contacts that they have ceased to exist. |
341 | The Amalurra communities don't exist anymore (at the moment). |
342 | The Amalurra communities don't exist anymore (at the moment). |
345A | This community goes through some re-orientation, it does not exist anymore (right now). |
345B | This community does not exist anymore. |
347B | Even though we already printed a "warning" below this entry in our book, we have since then received several actual complaints from visitors of this place who wanted to work there - the place is said not to be a real community and moreover unkempt and the owner transgressive. Doesn't sound like we should publish this address in the future... |
355 | corrected postal address: Apartado de correos 9, Los Molinos de Río Aguas |
359 | new email address: |
360 | new telephone numbers: +46-(0)735 51 07 15, -(0)586 78 50 78 |
368B | only telephone number now +41-(0)794 176 721 |
369 | This community doesn't exist anymore |
375 | exchange P.O. Box with "Beitenwil 61" |
392B | This community doesn't exist anymore: The Jesus Fellowship has closed and The Anchorage has been sold so the information in the directory is no longer accurate. Some of the members continue to live together informally but the church as an entity no longer exists. |
397 | This community doesn't exist anymore |
398 | please disregard the telephone number |
401B | correct street address is: Scargill House, Kettlewell |
403 | This community doesn't exist anymore, see |
414 | new telephone number: +385-(0)95 802 0180 |
418 | new postal code: 33200 new website: and an introduction video: |
423 | Facebook-page (because homepage is down): |
430B | the telephone number is not valid anymore |
438 | This formerly planned community has found a home in Hungary. Address: in the middle of nature - 30 min. from Lake Balaton - wine country 8716 Mesztegnyö Hungary See website for more information |
440 | All new: "midanond" is now: Wohnprojekt ZuZuG Hofmark 23 4755 Zell an der Pram (same phone number) |
442 | This formerly planned community does now exist. |
443 | New name: Gumm cohousing New Website: New e-mail-address: |
447 | We can't reach this formerly planned community in no way and assume it is ceased. |
449 | Doesn't seem to be a community project anymore, but a sports/art project. New data: Name: 1man1way1world +49-(0)152 371 895 49 |
451B | this formerly planned community does not exist anymore |
452 | the address change seems to suggest that the castle has new tenants - an intentional community is still planned: Schloss Hohenfels/Weltenwandler-Tagungszentrum Schloss Hohenfels 1 78355 Hohenfels Telephone: +49-(0)7557-92 91 90 |
456 | new address: Frankenallee 32, 60327 Frankfurt |
456B | This formerly planned community is now building their house here: Otto-Leonhardt. Str. 2 (postal address: Marktplatz 16) 56288 Kastellaun New telephone number: +49-(0)2605-677 9057 New website: New email address: |
458 | please refrain from inquiries, this community has no vacancies and no resources für visitors and inquiries |
460 | New street address: Gutenbergstraße 6 (same postal code and city). Find the respective telephone number on the website. |
462 | The project Ökodorf Gutleben has been cancelled, there is a new group now: Name: Gemeinschaftsinitiative Chiemgau Address: Breitensteinweg 4, 83236 Übersee Phone: +49-(0)157-87556665 Email: Facebook: |
466 | new telephone number: +49-(0)7464-9879300 |
470 | New address: Via Cornegliana n.81 /A, 29122 Piacenza Website: Email: |
471B | website: e-mail-address: correct phone number: +352-621 611 006 |
472 | new address: Het Hof 2D, 5291 NL Gemonde, new telephone number: +31-(0)6-46091223 |
474 | new postal code: 1861PH currently no telephone connection |
475 | a lot of changes: ecodorp Land van Aine (was ecodorp Noordeland) Ruiten A Kanaal Zuid 13/27 9561TG Ter Apel Groningen. The Netherlands Tel. +34-(0)614219722 email address: website remains the same |
476 | This formerly planned community does now exist. One correction in the house number: Klein Rondeel 203 |
481 | new website: new phone numbers: +34-64385386-3 or -9 |
483 | new email address: |
483B | The project has got a new owner and a new name, and we can no longer call it an eco village. Now it has become a holiday community where people can stay for a period over the year. |
484 | new website:, new phone number +46-(0)735411123 |
486B | this formerly planned community does not exist anymore |
487B | this formerly planned community does not exist anymore |
489 | new website: new email address: |
490 | Currently the biggest change is that we have bought land where we are starting to build the ecovillage |
Descriptions of communities that we have received after publishing the abovementioned book:
Fantasy Farm (aka the Queer Ashram Project)
Contact or
An experimental place, a place of magic and discovery, of tolerance. A queer place based on the principles of yoga, „The Queer Ashram“. I obviously got this notion of an ashram in India where I spent a lot of time over the past 12 years. In an ashram there is a guru, for „The Queer Ashram“ this guru should be nature. This will be clearly written in the statutes : „freedom and the development of one’s own nature, inspired by nature“.
The principles should be those of non-violence, vegetarianism, tolerance, sobriety, non-consumption of substances such as tobacco and alcohol. The spiritual process should also be very important.
The place, the space should be able to host and welcome passersby as well as people who wish to stay a while, people who wish to invest time and creative energy to make it an abode open to diversity, tolerance, caring and sharing.
A vegetable garden, a prairie and some forest area are essential, a rural setting, quiet, tranquil and beautiful.
More on the website
Founded in 2023
15 ha (near Dorfen, Erding, Munich)
Food self-sufficiency 50 %
1 female, 1 male, 0 children, 2 total
how many work in the community (on-site, present daily) 2
languages: German, Englisch, Spanish
decisions: all concerned people together (consensus)
type of funding: private property, partly joint financing
owner: property of individual community members
ideological/spiritual principles: Earth Care • People Care • Fair Share
main areas of activity: organic gardening, agroforestry, forestry, agriculture
keywords: permaculture, nonviolent, inner growth, humor, children, music, affordable housing, craft, renewable energy, new technologies, open-source, bioconstruction, car-sharing, bicycles, sport, yoga, open-mindedness
new members are welcome
we receive (working) guests according to prior arrangement (free board and lodging)
The Grounded Roots Farm near Dorfen is a project whose aim is to bring together permaculture and social living in a rural setting. Permaculture is concerned with the design of stable living systems based on observation of nature and according to the ethics earth care, people care and fair share. The concrete goal of the project is to redesign a farm, both as a stable ecosystem and as a place for community.
Villa Lebensfluss e.G.
Eichhardtstr. 19, 51766 Engelskirchen, Germany
Founded 2022
Near Gummersbach / Cologne
8 adult members, 3 kids
410 sqm living space + 1.600 sqm outdoor
Languages: German, English, Persian
We chose to live as a community and as a kind of family in the centre of Oberberg, 1 hour drive from Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Our communal project consists two buildings with four apartments including a garden and access to the river. We decided founding a community in Engelskirchen, because our home and sorrounding create a solid base for a pleased life. The area invites you to enjoy clean air, flowing water, calmness and tranquility to gather strength that we wish to use for good.
Our vision: We want to create a home of good feelings in which we live and share common values. Through participating in everyone’s life and by experiencing projects or communal events we want to get in an empathic connection with each other. We establish a family friendly environment and we use resources consciously. While silence and retreat find their space, we also want to give inspiration to the world with some events we offer.
The river is flowing – be part of it!
Dorfstraße 17, 23909 Mechow
Year of founding: 2020
Cities in vicinity: Ratzeburg, Lübeck, Hamburg
Number of members: 30 (24 Adults, 6 children), we expert 10-15 additional members in the next months
Size of premises: Various locations around Lake Mechow
Spoken languages: German, English. French, Norwegian…
We are a community which create, share and enliven transformative places in Northern Germany. We want to take responsibility for the crises of our time. We develop structures of solidarity, ecological projects and lively coexistence in order to bring about social transformation.
We are a group from young to old, from the north and the south. We do agriculture, permaculture, yoga, IT and seminars. We enjoy working with people, with nature, with our hands, with our words, with digital content and with community-building tools. We are teachers and learners. We study ourselves, our relationships and our vision. We share our thoughts, feelings and skills. To make our organization lively, creative and at eye level we use sociocracy.
We currently have many projects like our community supported agriculture and a food cooperative with focus on regional and ecological use of resources. We also offer seminars on permaculture, sustainability, sociocracy, anti-discrimination, and more. Other projects include an IT association that advocates for digital sovereignty and a tiny house workshop. A therapy center, a kindergarten or a courtyard café are part of our vision and can be created in the future.
Further information:
Stieglitzweg 2, 14552 Michendorf
Tel. +49-(0)33205-46599, email: , website:
Existing since 2014, near Potsdam/Berlin, ca. 40 members, 1,6 ha of land
In Michendorf (southwest of Berlin/adjacent to Potsdam) we have built an intergenerational and ecological community housing project.
We are currently (8/2021) 50 adults and 37 children. On a plot of about 1.7 ha we have built 5 ecological and sustainable houses. As shared rooms and areas we have available: in each house a communal flat with bath, laundry rooms, cellar, sheds for bicycles, tools and gardening equipment, outdoor playgrounds/space for children, workshops, an organic kitchen garden, a fireplace, a rest garden, a volleyball court and a sauna. A separate community hall is currently being planned.
Our solidarity and the sharing of resources lead to synergies in many areas, such as childcare and support for elderly residents. A sustainable and mindful way of living with each other characterises our life together.
Serenity Aguatavar
Camino El Topo 13, 38780 Tijarafe (La Palma)
Tel. +34-602583093, email , website
Existing since 2017 on La Palma, 4-10 members
Serenity is a place where we grow and cook food from our own garden. Our garden spreads over many terraces and gets more and more full of plants and trees. Following the idea of permaculture we close circles as much as possible. We opitimize our eco footprint and run the finca in harmony with nature.
Following these principles we build many things on a creative way from some used stuff. We run a solar system with power outlets in all buildings on the finca. Our watering infrastructure is build by many tousand meters of watering pipes and different solutions for different situations. We run a biogas system for producing our own cooking gas. In our killn-pit we produce our own charocal. We produce our own compost and with a worm farm liquid fertilizer. Things like compost toilets and graywater clearing are important peaces in this big puzzle.