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eurotopia Directory 2019

The communitiy listings of the eurotopia Directory 2014 are mostly out of date now, but the articles are still valuable resources for anyone interested in community living and/or founding a community. We have some copies left of the book (there are still many descriptions of communities that are still in existence, but haven’t answered our call for submission for the 2020 edition) and we present most of the articles as pdf files – whenever the authors agreed to be presented online. Here the contents of the editorial part of the 2014 edition, linked to the articles when applicable.

5Please Read This (No Preface)Michael Würfel
10They MatterDiana Leafe Christian
19Reality CheckDieter Halbach
27Research in CommunityMarcus Andreas, Felix Wagner
31Living in CommunityMichael Würfel
36Who is CommunityMichael Würfel
40Fun with StatisticsMichael Würfel